Tuesday Tip: 10 Career Killing Habits

Bad habits are mainly what will hold you back in life and in business. Breaking a bad habit requires acknowledging that change is needed and a concentrated effort on redirecting your behavior when you find yourself doing the habit that needs changed. These 10 habits are bad for your life and career.

  1. Continuously finishing other people’s sentences – Doing this pretty much means you aren’t listening or learning.
  2. Having email notifications turned on (or any notification alert) – This is a distraction causing you to repeatedly stop what you are doing to see what the notification is about and it is usually non-sense.
  3. Not keeping your knowledge in your industry fresh and current – If you aren’t continuously learning you are becoming irrelevant.
  4. Not promoting your own work – The boss doesn’t always know what you are doing, you have to act as your own PR manager.
  5. Being too negative – If you have the reputation of a naysayer people will stop asking for your input.
  6. Not admitting or learning from your mistakes – This shows you aren’t big enough of a person to own your decisions or that you don’t learn from them.
  7. Dominating the meetings or conversations – This shows you aren’t open to other viewpoints and that your mind is already made up so what is the point of the meeting or “conversation”?
  8. Rudeness to co-workers and peers – People will avoid you like the plague. They won’t want to work with you or for you.
  9. Inappropriate dress – Be that person the boss is proud to have on their team, not the one that has to sit in a corner “hidden” from everyone’s view.
  10. Being too defensive – Most people will give up on having meaningful conversations with defensive people. This means you will stop receiving feedback that would otherwise help you improve.

If you’ve been wondering why you aren’t getting that promotion or the plum assignments take a look in the mirror to see if you have any of these career killing habits.


Last updated on March 1st, 2018 at 10:15 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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