The Bad Boss of Bad Bosses

I was visiting with my mom on a day trip, much to her displeasure that it was only a day. She started telling me about one of her department meetings that their Director led. As she started telling the story, I quickly realized this bad boss behavior was the worst I had ever heard. In the service industry, bad managers are rampant. As a result of bad managers in the service industry, poor service and customer dissatisfaction continue to increase. Those who are there to serve the customer are outward-facing pawns of bad management.

In that meeting, the director and other managers told the crew that we don’t care about you. We don’t care if your grandmother died, if your boyfriend left you and took the kids or if your car broke down. We don’t care about you, the only thing we care about is that you come to work and do your job and service the customers with a smile.

To add a little more background to this story one of the employee’s grandmother had just passed away. The department suffers from seriously low morale and as a result, their service scores continue to drop. Many of the long-tenured employees are trying to transfer out or are leaving. In some cases just stop showing up altogether. After this meeting, the service scores dropped another 3 percent.


This is an egregious case of a bad manager who has no business leading people, especially people who serve customers. How these types of tyrant leaders are allowed to be in charge of people is beyond reason.

8 Things to Learn from This Bad Boss of Bad Bosses

  1. Care about your people for they are your greatest asset.
  2. Fear only motivates people to do even less.
  3. Don’t use a real example of a family member passing when giving a speech about not caring about your staff.
  4. If you can’t care about your people you should not be in management.
  5. If people are abandoning ship take a long hard look at the boss.
  6. To fix morale issues you can’t put people down further but rather should lift them up. When your employees are having trouble in their personal life they can’t always leave it at the door. Give them time to deal with and straighten out things at home so they can focus on work.
  7. You can’t care about people coming to work, doing their job, and servicing the customers with a smile if you don’t care about their total well-being.
  8. Unhappy employees will always equal unhappy customers.

Learn these 8 lessons to avoid being a bad boss. Care about your employees as if they hold the key to your success. If you choose to be a bad boss, it will eventually catch up with you and you will find you are the boss of no one.

Last updated on September 14th, 2020 at 06:15 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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