Do You Want to Grow Your LinkedIn Network?

Do you want to expose yourself to opportunities? Do you want your content to be seen, shared, and liked by more people? If you have something to offer that no one else can you need to let the world know. LinkedIn is one of the top ways that you can promote yourself professionally and get in front of the people who make decisions.

Networking is just as much about meeting and connecting with people you don’t know as it is about maintaining relationships with those you do know. In order to grow your network on LinkedIn and open the possibilities of partnering with the right people at the right time, you need to grow your network.

LinkedIn encourages users to only connect with people they really know. In fact, they pretty much force this practice on their users by requiring you to prove your relationship or provide the email address of the person you are trying to connect with. This can cause many people to shy away from requesting a connection. Don’t shy away from connecting with people on LinkedIn, start using it more like Twitter.


What I’m not saying…

is to start posting pictures of witty quotes or sharing the people of Walmart images. I’m also not saying to post pictures of your latest drinking game or live to post the latest episode of The Walking Dead. LinkedIn is a professional social network that tends to be more formal than and not as casual as Twitter and I unequivocally believe it should stay that way.

What I am saying…

is you should loosen up the criteria you use to accept a connection request and remove the fear and doubts of requesting to connect to people you don’t know. Adding more connections gets you in front of more people that may need a skill you possess or who can help you grow professionally.

More LinkedIn connections…

help your personal brand by exposing your profile to even more people. Once you are connected you will show up as “people you may know” to your connections’ connections. This will give you more profile views and potentially more connection requests.


Increasing Your LinkedIn connections…

will equate to more shares of your content. LinkedIn is a publishing powerhouse for your professional content. Having a greater number of connections will expose your content to more people which increases your likes and comments. When others like or comment on your content it shows up in their connections update stream giving you even more exposure.

Sending more LinkedIn connection requests…

increases your profile views which will help your ranking and put your website in front of more people. If you have a website and have it in your profile, you could potentially drive more traffic to your site further exposing your professional history, services, and content.

Don’t limit your LinkedIn network…

to people, you have done business with or have a meaningful relationship with. Start growing your LinkedIn network the same way you grow your Twitter account. Using this advice will expand your network, open new opportunities, and get your content in front of more eyes.


Start growing your LinkedIn network and request to connect with me. Select the Friend option.

Last updated on September 14th, 2020 at 06:45 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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