Don’t Be Their Boss, Be Their Partner

The worst bosses are just that, bosses. They provide instructions, hold people to processes and performance standards and weed out staff for various reasons. If there isn’t something new for you to do or something for you to correct you seldom hear from them.

Today’s bosses would do well to start treating their team as partners. They will still provide instructions and hold people to processes and performance standards. Bosses are still responsible for removing teammates that aren’t a fit. A boss that acts as a partner will help to develop, shape and mold someone into a professional. They seek to understand their career aspirations and then work with them toward achieving those aspirations. They match their job role to those aspirations to help them grow and advance their career.

7 Traits of a Boss Who Behaves Like a Partner


Their actions back up their words. They are the role model, and there is never a question as to what is acceptable behavior.



They communicate early, often and are concise in their message. Beyond that, partner bosses can quickly tell if people are not understanding or need clarification and then clarify as needed.

Regular Feedback

Feedback is specific and delivered promptly often following a regular cadence but is also random as situations arise.

Roadmap to the End Goal

They will help develop a plan that has actions, milestones, and timelines and then regularly reviews the status of those activities and offers course corrections as necessary.



Coaching is constant and follows along with feedback. Partner bosses provide regular coaching in the areas where the most improvement is needed to reach the goals. For example, if the need is for if public presentations for the career goals they will offer feedback and coaching before and following any public presentation opportunities.

Negotiates the Yes’s and No’s

This person knows that there is more to yes or no responses. Often when answering a question that requires a yes or no, there should be a negotiation as to why that answer is the right one. In negotiating the yes or the no, they fully understand the “why” and have presented any consequences of each decision. Note: this activity will also help polish decision-making skills.

Tangible Progress 

Showing tangible progress is probably one of the most important. A boss who acts like a partner will offer real strides in career growth. This tangible proof comes in the form or additional responsibilities, opportunities to lead or manage activities or advancement. The reason this is important is that these “wins” will keep both parties motivated to reach the end goal.


As the workforce continues to evolve your way of leading and managing must change too. People don’t just want a boss. They want someone who joins with them in their career evolution and who is willing to share in the risks and rewards of their development.

Last updated on April 21st, 2019 at 08:56 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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