Hello, I’m Jason.

I’m a Career Coach who wants to help you lead confidently and clearly. I’ve been there before – I’ve worked in sales roles where my bosses didn’t train me properly; I’ve had challenging managers who made my life miserable, and been promoted to management without any guidance whatsoever.

So whether your goal is to get a promotion or improve as a manager at your current job, my knowledge paths will help. With over 20 years of experience in the corporate world, I understand your challenges and can provide actionable advice to reach your goals.

Stop falling behind because your boss isn’t developing you.

Are you looking for a way to move your career forward? Do you feel stuck and don’t know how to get unstuck? My knowledge paths can help. With knowledge paths from becoming an effective leader to coaching for success, you’ll get tips and insights to keep your skills ready for the future of leadership.

My knowledge paths will help you build essential leadership, management, and coaching skills no matter what your career field. So what are you waiting for? Start exploring today!

Become a Great Leader

Find your purpose and inspire those around you. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your team to the next level, these articles get you where you need to be.

Best-Practice Manager

This knowledge path will help you advance your career with ease. No matter what stage you’re at in your career, you will find knowledge to help you succeed.

Coaching Employees

Whether you’re coaching front-line employees or managers, this path will give you the tools and resources you need to be an effective coach.

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Solve your biggest work problems

Work is changing. How you adapt will make a difference in your career success. I understand your most significant challenges at work, and I’m here to help.

I’ve created a vast resource of ideas, tips, techniques, and tactics to help you navigate your career. Whatever drama you are dealing with at work, I can help you keep moving forward.

Navigate the daily drama of the office

Make a move to drive your career forward

Survive and thrive under a bad boss

Career Insights

Are office politics and drama getting in the way of your success? Essential skills you need to navigate the workplace.

Job Seekers

The Job Seekers resource provides tips and techniques to help you get started, find the right boss and job for you, and ace your interviews.

Bad Bosses

The tools you need to deal with a bully, intrusive, controlling, picky or petty boss. Don’t let a toxic boss ruin your day or your career

“I’m not in the business of developing people. I’m in the business of changing the world.”

— Jason Cortel

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