In order to keep on keeping on you have to recognize those things that will forever present themselves as a challenge to your personal mission. These are the 10 things that sadden me the most. By recognizing, understanding and identifying those things that sadden you will give you the strength to push forward.
- Your results won’t always speak for themselves
- Some people will never find the strength to rise up to their potential
- Some mistakes will be held over you indefinitely
- The rumor mill will often be the system of record
- People more readily believe lies over the truth
- Some people are so broken that you will never be able to repair the damage
- No matter how much they respect you, you will never be “one of them”; they will truly never let you in
- We get duped by the squeaky wheel more often than we should
- At times we mistakenly believe that one person is speaking for the whole group
- There are people out there who will take advantage of your kindness, mistake it for a weakness and throw you away the first time you tell them no
Despite these 10 things that sadden me we must push forward. Mourn them quickly and move on. Don’t dwell on what cannot be undone, what cannot be changed and what cannot be positive. Don’t punish those who will, do or don’t because of the minority. Remain true to yourself, your mission, and your values to fulfill your purpose.
Last updated on March 6th, 2018 at 06:50 am