Tuesday Tip: 8 Things Smart Leaders Have Given Up

Success can be based on a number of factors. Most often we are told what we need to be successful when it reality it is what we need to give up. My list of 8 things smart leaders have given up to be successful in life and work.

1) Fear

While fear can help us stay out of trouble it can also prevent us from accomplishing the great things in life. Everyone feels fear when faced with the unknown or something new. To be successful you have to project confidence and take action despite your feelings of fear.


2) I’m not good enough

You are where you are today because you earned it, not by some fluke or accident. Let go of feeling not good enough and know with certainty that you have what it takes to be where you are.

3) No one likes me


Not everyone will like you and people liking you have no impact of the work you can accomplish. Let go of the need to feel like everyone has to like you. Instead, put that energy into improving your skills and knowledge.

4) I know what I need to know

If you truly have reached a point where you know it all it is time to change your field. The world is constantly evolving and there are always new things to learn and new approaches to develop. Embrace the desire to keep learning so that you can keep your skills current.


5) That’s not my job

Nothing ends a career faster than having an attitude of that’s not my job. It is everyone’s job to make sure the business is successful regardless of the activity that needs done. It is your job to help out when you have the time, skill or knowledge to do so.

6) Inability to trust your instincts


Everything you have experienced has led you to today. Those experiences, along with your knowledge, will be able to guide you through the challenges that will certainly pop up along the way. Allow your inner voice to be heard.

7) Putting unrealistic expectations on yourself

Everyone puts unrealistic goals upon themselves. Periodically adjust your expectations and make the reasonable changes necessary to stay motivated to reach the finish line.


8) Let your light shine from time to time

Sometimes great people won’t let their light shine because they don’t want to outshine others. They become so wrapped up in lifting up others they neglect to lift themselves up. If you are keeping your light of greatness dim you are denying others of the very greatness you hope they can achieve.

Last updated on March 1st, 2018 at 06:29 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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