The Power of Authenticity for Managers

In today’s dynamic work environment, the characteristics that make a manager truly effective are shifting. Beyond traditional traits like strategic planning and financial acumen, an increasingly acknowledged soft skill stands out: authenticity. In its simplest form, authenticity refers to being genuine and true to your personality, spirit, and character. For managers, it means leading with honesty, transparency, and consistency. Here, we’ll delve into why authenticity aids managerial effectiveness and how managers can embrace an authentic leadership style.

Authenticity in management has proven to be not just a moral good but a strategic advantage. Here’s how authentic managers deliver superior results and enhance the employee experience.

  1. Building Trust: Trust is the bedrock of any successful team. Authentic managers display transparency and vulnerability, humanizing them and allowing subordinates to trust them more readily. An authentic manager doesn’t shy away from admitting mistakes or areas of uncertainty, which fosters an environment where others feel safe doing the same.
  2. Enhancing Communication: Authentic managers communicate openly, setting clear expectations and being honest about potential challenges. Their genuine approach means no room for ambiguity or hidden agendas, resulting in streamlined and effective communication.
  3. Boosting Employee Morale and Engagement: Authenticity can be the difference between a team merely going through the motions and genuinely investing in their work. Managers can increase morale and engagement by showing genuine concern for team members, recognizing their efforts, and being transparent about decisions.
  4. Facilitating Adaptability: Authentic managers understand their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to adapt and learn quickly. Their genuine approach to self-awareness makes them more open to feedback and proactive in seeking improvements.

In essence, authenticity in management creates a ripple effect that touches every facet of the workplace. From individual employee well-being to collective output, the benefits of authenticity are vast and transformative. By fostering trust, facilitating open communication, boosting engagement, and promoting a culture of learning and collaboration, authentic managers drive both superior results and an enhanced employee experience.


Discovering Your Authentic Management Style

Discovering your authentic management style involves self-awareness, reflection, and growth. It’s about finding a leadership approach that aligns with your core values, beliefs, and personality while also being adaptable to your team’s and the organization’s needs. Here’s how managers can embark on this journey:

Introspective Exploration

Discovering an authentic management style begins with introspection. Managers must deeply reflect on their personal values, whether driven by collaboration, innovation, or empathy. Analyzing these core beliefs using tools such as the SWOT analysis or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can help clarify strengths and areas requiring attention.

Seek Feedback

Beyond self-reflection, managers should actively pursue feedback from their environment. By engaging with peers, subordinates, and superiors, they can gain invaluable perspectives on their leadership approach. Even when challenging, embracing constructive criticism provides growth opportunities and insights into how others perceive your management style.


Mentorship and Observation

Mentorship plays a pivotal role in refining an authentic leadership style. Aligning with experienced mentors or observing a range of leadership approaches can offer managers a clearer picture of different managerial techniques. Managers can shape an inherently genuine style by extracting elements that resonate personally.

Experimental Leadership

Authenticity in leadership isn’t static. Managers should be willing to step out of their comfort zones experimenting with varied managerial techniques. This hands-on approach allows them to gauge which methods align with their authentic self, refining their approach based on real-world feedback.

Pause and Reflect

Managers need to pause and reflect periodically. This self-check ensures they remain aligned with their core values, especially during tumultuous times. Managers can maintain authenticity even in challenging situations by assessing if their actions and decisions are congruent with their beliefs.


Commitment to Continuous Learning

The realm of management is dynamic. To stay authentic, managers need to commit to continuous learning. Engaging in workshops, seminars, and even reading about the latest leadership practices ensures they’re equipped with evolving best practices that can be integrated into their unique style.

Embracing Empathy

Last but not least, authenticity is deeply intertwined with empathy. Managers must genuinely connect with their teams, actively listening to concerns, motivations, and aspirations. This two-way engagement not only enhances a manager’s authentic style but also fosters a deeper bond with team members, reinforcing mutual respect and understanding.

In conclusion, authenticity in management is more than just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental trait that can greatly enhance managerial effectiveness. By fostering trust, enhancing communication, boosting morale, and facilitating adaptability, authenticity helps managers lead their teams more effectively. Embracing an authentic management style doesn’t mean revealing every personal detail or emotion; rather, it’s about genuine, consistent behavior that aligns with your true self. As the corporate world evolves, those managers who lead authentically will stand out.


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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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