Are You the Bad Boss? If So You Won’t Read This

It is pretty easy to identify when you are working for a bad boss. But, it isn’t so easy to know if you are the bad manager that employees whisper about at the water cooler. No one sets out to be the bad boss and yet it is so easy to become one. Being a bad manager hampers the best intentions, erode enthusiasm, and stifles innovation.

10 Signs You Are the Bad Boss

Honestly ask yourself if you are doing any of these signs of a bad manager and work to correct them quickly.

1) You only meet with your employees when something is wrong

Take a minute to think about the interactions you have had with your employees over the last month. Were those meetings only about the things that aren’t going right or that need to be fixed?


2) You go days or possibly weeks without speaking to an employee

When was the last time you met with each employee one-on-one? What was the quality of the content of those meetings?

3) You have favorites

Do you favor certain people because of their personality or because of their performance? If it is the former, you play favorites. If it is the latter, what are you doing to improve the performance of those you don’t favor? When the answer is neither, you are still playing favorites.

4) You share the blame but take the fame

Do you take ultimate accountability for what your employees do, or don’t do? Being the boss means always taking the blame. When your employees do well you look good anyway so don’t be afraid to give them the credit they deserve.


5) You aren’t providing them with opportunities to grow

How long has any given employee under you been in their current role? Have you given them opportunities to work on projects that stretch their capabilities and challenge them to learn new things?

6) You dread going to work in the morning

If you aren’t looking forward to being at work that will rub off on your employees. They will know you aren’t happy to be there and eventually they will adopt your negative view.

7) You aren’t discussing their future

Do you regularly talk to your employees about where they want to go within the organization and what they want to do? Are you helping them develop a career map with an actionable plan on how to achieve it?


8) You don’t want to hear their viewpoint

This is especially important when you haven’t been in their role in a long time if you ever were. Do you know how hard their job has become because of the changes you have implemented? Do you listen to their concerns and solutions to a problem? Or, do you dismiss them as whining?

9) You aren’t open to their feedback

Do you objectively listen to their feedback about you as their manager? Are you even asking for their feedback?

10) You make promises you can’t keep

Do you make elaborate and wonderful sounding promises without any commitments, details, or timelines? Are you promising if they do X well then Y will happen in an attempt to keep them happy and productive?


Everyone has had a bad boss at one time or another. Every boss has had the traits of a bad boss from time to time. Being aware of those traits and objectively looking at how you are leading your teams can help you quickly correct yourself before you wreck yourself.

Last updated on September 14th, 2020 at 06:06 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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