6 Ways to Help Your Management Team Develop Brevity

Developing a culture of brevity among your management team is essential for the success of your organization. Here is how to help your managers develop brevity.

One of the managers’ most important tasks is communicating effectively with their team. This includes both providing information and feedback. One of the biggest challenges in communication is getting the point across clearly and concisely. This can be especially difficult … Read more

6 Advantages and 6 Strengths of Quiet Leaders

The benefits of a quiet leader and why you want them on your executive team.

At first glance, you might not think that quiet leaders would be very effective. After all, leadership is often thought of as a loud and boisterous activity. However, there are many advantages and strengths to being a quiet leader. Some … Read more

How Leaders Can Improve Their Diplomacy Skills

How Leaders Can Improve Their Diplomacy Skills

In any organization, there will always be office politics. And while some people may view politics as a dirty word, managing internal relationships is a valuable skill that effective leaders learn to master. After all, when it comes to getting … Read more

How to Work With a Negative Boss

Eight tips to help you work with a negative boss.

It’s tough to work with a negative boss who always complains, but it’s even worse when that boss constantly puts down other employees. Having a negative boss can be frustrating, especially if you’re the target of their complaints. However, if … Read more

The Top 3 Goals of a Skip-Level Meeting

What are the goals of skip level meetings?

A skip-level meeting is between an executive leader and the employees who report to their direct reports. The purpose of these meetings is to get feedback from employees about what’s working well and what needs improvement without going through their … Read more

5 Ways to Encourage Confidence in Your Employees

5 Ways to Encourage Confidence in Your Employees

As a manager, one of your most important jobs is to foster a positive and productive work environment for your team. A crucial part of creating a healthy workplace is encouraging employees to have confidence in their abilities and feel … Read more