How Working Out Improves Leadership Presence

Working out isn’t just good for your body. It improves your well-being and greatly impacts how you carry yourself. Working out is proven to change an “off day” into a productive one. Doing sit-ups, taking a 20 minute brisk walk or 10 minutes of jumping jacks will boost your ego by giving you a greater feeling of control which ultimately boosts your self-confidence.

Here are 6 ways working out will help your leadership presence:

Working out provides a sense of accomplishment


Refreshed and a sense of pride are two of the greatest things that come from having an intense and invigorating workout. This is especially true when you push yourself past your limit during your workout. At the end of your workout, no matter how small or intense, you will feel proud and accomplished. This sense of accomplishment will carry over into your work, allowing you to take on everything that comes your way with ease.

Increase your well-being by working out

Working out relieves stress which can lead to a stronger immune system. Taking care of yourself allows you to take care of your team. How often do you wish you had more “me time”? Working out will provide you with just that. Put on your headphones, turn on your favorite music and get into the zone. The rest of the world and its problems will fade away. Working out gives you something to look forward to, that you will enjoy escaping to. This downtime will improve your sense of well-being, help you be more engaged and focused at work.


Working out makes you feel hot

Boosting your body image will also boost your confidence. At the end of each workout you are closer to your ideal appearance. As you start to see the changes in your looks you will start to feel good on the inside. This will help you when making presentations and in meetings. You will lean in to conversations more easily.

Working out amplifies your productivity


Reconnect your mind and body. Working out clears your mind and sets you up for success. Your strengths and weaknesses become crystal clear. With your clear mind, you start finding new ways to use those strengths and weaknesses to your advantage. Your fears will become limited and you break free from allowing them to hold you back. You will breeze through your task list because your heart is pumping and your blood is oxygenated.

Working out changes your approach to challenges

Learning new work out techniques will flow into everything you do. Once you conquer a new way to lift or a new way to do cardio your confidence in taking on new challenges will increase. You become more solution focused rather than problem focused.


Working out improves your posture

Keeping your body aligned, sitting up straight, standing a little taller are all benefits of working out. Good posture also improves your blood flow. Aside from feeling more energized, having good posture will also lead to increased participation in meetings and at networking events. Your leadership presence will be stronger and people will be more likely to engage with you.

Improve your confidence and leadership presence, reduce stress and anxiety and start trusting your abilities all by simply starting to work out daily. When your leadership presence is strong and you have trust in your abilities, everyone else will start to take notice.


Last updated on March 1st, 2018 at 06:33 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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