We bite our tongues a lot and usually it is the right thing to do. There is one time you should never stay silent and that is when it comes to gratitude.
Gratitude lifts people up. It energizes them to keep going. Gratitude can strengthen the loyalty and bond between people. You should never stay silent when it comes to gratitude. Get out your megaphone and amplify your words of appreciation.
Some of the Benefits of Gratitude:
Opens doors
People will want to be around you when you openly express gratitude. This will open doors for you professionally and personally.
Improves empathy
Very few people can rise up into leadership roles without empathy. Openly expressing gratitude will give you a greater sensitivity toward other people.
Lowers aggression
Being loud with gratitude puts you in a socially proactive state of mind. This will guide your behavior toward doing the right thing and decreases your desire to seek revenge or to retaliate against others.
Increases employee engagement
People work harder and take a stronger interest in doing a good job when they know their work is appreciated. Don’t assume they know you are grateful take every opportunity to tell them with your voice and show them with your actions.
Never stay silent when it comes to gratitude. The next time you see someone doing a good thing or delivering above expectations, don’t stay silent. Shower them with gratitude. This small act could completely change someone’s outlook and improve their day in ways you can never imagine.
Last updated on March 2nd, 2018 at 06:05 am