Cultivating A Farmer’s Work Ethic

Farmers have a strong work ethic. Rarely will you see anyone on a farm slacking, procrastinating, complaining or carelessly completing a task. Growing up on a farm instills a strong work ethic, value system and character because these qualities are essential to operating a farm. How can you cultivate a farmer’s work ethic in business?

Value the Work

You need to get your own attitude in the right place about all of the tasks that your employees are responsible for. The most mundane tasks need to be viewed as necessary and important. It is often the mundane tasks that enable the continued operation of the business. When they see that you value every task they are responsible for they begin to accept having to do them and they do so with skill and take pride in the end result. This will naturally help them feel better about themselves.

Everyone Contributes to the Work

Employees will work harder if you are working alongside them. Roll up your sleeves and pitch in. Let your employees see you on their turf rather than behind your desk or in your office. They think you work hard but aren’t convinced because there is no tangible evidence that you do. When you get in the trenches with them from time to time you demonstrate an understanding for the work they do. This is one of the fastest ways to earn their genuine respect. Beyond that, when they see you doing the work it makes it harder for them to complain about it.


Clearly Define the Work

Have clearly defined work so that employees can get into a rhythm. This makes it easier to learn and reduces the chances of mistakes. Clearly defined work processes reduces the time employees spend figuring out how to execute their job. Or worse, procrastinating doing it altogether.

Consequences Are Clear

Clearly defined consequences means they won’t be a surprise. They should be reasonable and fair. If your employee doesn’t do a task it will ultimately fall back on you. The business will not be able to meets it goals when even the smallest of tasks goes undone.

Adopting a farmer’s work ethic and instilling it on your employees will help you improve moral, increase productivity and help everyone to feel better about the work they are doing.


Last updated on June 6th, 2018 at 06:55 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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