Tuesday Tip: Why Wait Lead Now

Could you imagine having a billion dollars in the bank and spending zero of it? Or, having a kitchen full of decadent foods and yet starving yourself? That is what is happening when people choose not to lead because they don’t have the title or pay to do so.

Leadership isn’t born out of a title or pay but through characteristics and using your influence to make positive and meaningful change. Everyone at certain points of their day have the ability to lead but for reasons unknown to me, choose to stay quiet.

Come out of the leadership closet and share your knowledge, skills and influence with your co-workers. These 8 tips will help you come out of the leadership closet:


1) Communication

Speak and write clearly and not just about issues but about solutions. Don’t grumble and complain when things aren’t going right. If you aren’t part of the solution you are part of the problem.

2) Agility


Have a sense of urgency, be flexible and quick but with grace. Don’t be the chicken little of the organization and don’t be an arsonist that starts fires throughout the office.

3) Help others

Don’t hoard your knowledge out of fear that someone will be better than you, because your goal should be to do just that. Make them better. There is nothing more rewarding and nothing that screams leadership more than helping someone be their best even if they end up being your competition.


4) Own your decisions

Own your decisions to act and not to act. If you make a mistake claim it don’t find excuses or people to blame. If you chose not to act on something don’t complain when it becomes a messy stressful situation. When a decision shows signs of not working as expected, raise your hand and ask for help don’t cover it up or try to fix it on your own.

5) Listen, listen, listen


Don’t approach a meeting or brainstorming session (do these even happen anymore) thinking your idea is best. Have an open mind and be willing and able to listen to everyone’s input. The best idea may be a combination of yours and other people’s. Don’t talk over people, cut them off or have body language that shows your not receiving what they are saying (arms crossed, eyes rolling, head turned away, body turned away from the person).

6) Add some layers to your skin

People will say and do things that are going to hurt your feelings. Often times we resort to “it’s because they don’t like me” or “they disrespected me because of X”. Instead really evaluate what they said and if it has merit. If it does, make the necessary changes and if not let it roll right off your back. Don’t become paralyzed or allow the words of others to set you back.


7) Don’t act special, even if you are

If you are one of the hard working, strong and consistent contributors you will get the special treatment you deserve but don’t act special by letting it go to your head. Most people will not fall into the special category and when they do it is short lived. When you are in the special category use your influence to raise others up and to make positive change.

8) Know when to be loud


The saddest truth about leadership without titles is that people will stay quiet. They think they aren’t listened to or respected and maybe on occasion that is true. Still, you have to know when to get loud and you have to be persistent about it. Staying quiet when you know you should speak up is essentially saying that you accept what is happening and that you approve of it. Therefore you accept that you will have to work harder to make something work and gave up your right to complain when it fails.

Start exercising these 8 tips to stop waiting and lead now. You are doing the company, your team and yourself a grave disservice by waiting. And don’t forget to add humility along the way.

Last updated on March 1st, 2018 at 10:11 am

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Jason Cortel is currently the Director of Global Workforce Management for a leading technology company. He has been in customer service, marketing, and sales services for over 20 years. In addition, he has extensive experience in offshore and nearshore outsourcing. Jason is an avid Star Trek fan and is on a mission to change the universe by helping people develop professionally. He is driven to help managers and leaders lead their teams better. Jason is also a veteran in creating talent and office cultures.

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